Early Bird Discount available- get $25 off any course fee when you register by May 1st, 2025!
Use code EARLYBIRD25 to receive your discount.

  • Learn directly from scientists and education professionals to expand your knowledge in a variety of STEM topics.
  • Explore science, technology and engineering content by engaging with industry professionals and scientists.
  • Visit each partner organization’s site and engage in inquiry-based investigations.
  • Discover resources from museums, science centers and higher education institutions in your community that you can utilize throughout the school year.
  • Take on the role of a student as you investigate science content and collaborate with your peers both in the field and in the classroom.
  • Participate in content and skill-based development sessions aimed at strengthening your students’ interest in and passion for STEM.
  • Experience what the Science and Engineering Practices and Phenomena-Based learning look like in the classroom.
  • Earn Professional Development Points (PDPs) while you improve your confidence in teaching science and even take an institute for graduate credit.

Understanding Earth’s Cycles:
Weather, Climate, and Seasons

A 3-Day Professional Development Institute for Grades K-5 Educators
Description: Explore how seasonal changes shape the natural world as you investigate how natural and human activities influenced terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems! Learn how to engage your students in citizen science projects, investigate how human activities and natural phenomena shape river, stream, and garden ecosystems, and connect how plant life cycles and weather systems are responding to climate change. You will visit each collaborating partner site during the course.
Dates: July 7th-9th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET)
Collaborating Partners: New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill; Harvard Forest

Click here to learn more about this Institute!

Research and Resiliency: Exploring the Ways Local Ecosystems are Responding to Our Changing Climate

A 5-Day Professional Development Institute for Grades 6-12 Educators
Description: Explore habitats along the Massachusetts coast as you learn how human activities are impacting our planet’s climate, water cycle, and the balance and distribution of species and ecosystems! Discover how scientists and conservationists work together to protect and preserve the health of these local ecosystems. Venture into the field with scientists and collect and analyze climate-related field data. Each day will be filled with field trips, hands-on investigations, and discussions aimed at highlighting the resiliency of our local habitats. You will visit each collaborating partner site during the course.
Dates: July 14th-18th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET)
Collaborating Partners: Lloyd Center for the Environment; New Bedford Whaling Museum; Marine Biological Laboratory; Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair

Click here to learn more about this Institute!

Songbirds, Shorebirds, and Stewardship: Engaging Your Students with the Science of Breeding, Nesting, and Tracking Migration

A 3-Day Professional Development Institute for Grades 5-8 Educators
Description: Learn how to use the study of songbirds and shorebirds to engage your classroom in citizen science projects! Examine how bird populations respond to environmental challenges, and participate in hands-on projects as you explore Manomet’s living laboratory alongside scientists. Participate in a bird banding experience and explore how banding information provides valuable data about native bird populations and migration. You will visit each collaborating partner site during the course.
Dates: August 13th – 15th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET)
Collaborating Partner: Manomet Conservation Sciences

Click here to learn more about this Institute!

Thank you to the supporters of the 2025 Summer Professional Development Institutes!

George Garretson Wade Charitable Trust #2

National Grid Foundation

What did educators do during our 2024 Summer Professional Development Institutes?
Click to learn more about the
Southeast/Cape Cod Region and
Central Region Institutes!