Read on to learn more about our current Focus Workshops, or visit our Past Focus Workshops page to learn more about past offerings!

How Does Your Oyster Grow? Exploring the Science and Engineering of Aquaculture

A 2-Day Focus Workshop for Grades 6-12 Educators

Enter the fascinating world of aquaculture and explore one of the only oyster shellfish hatcheries in the northeast! With a focus on raising oysters as a sustainable food source, Island Creek Oysters raises oysters from seedlings to adults. Through inquiry-based, hands-on investigations, explore shellfish life cycles, oyster reproduction, juvenile rearing, the technology used in aquaculture and the process of transferring oysters to grow-out facilities. Learn about the critical role oysters play in protecting ecosystems and the marine microalgae culturing that supports shellfish growth. Gain insights into aquaculture as a career path your students can explore. We will model using the Science & Engineering Practices, inquiry-based learning, and using phenomena in the classroom as you explore the fascinating world of aquaculture and how you can start a small aquaculture program in your own school. You will leave the workshop with resources and tools to use in your classroom that support the MA Science, Technology and Engineering Standards.

Registration Information:

Collaborating Partner: Island Creek Oysters
Dates: Thursday, February 27th, 2025 and Friday, February 28th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM)
Location: Island Creek Oysters, Duxbury, MA; and The Duxbury Senior Center Classroom Space
Registration Cost: $300/educator
PDPs and Optional Graduate Credit: 14 PDPs available without graduate credit. 22.5 PDPs and 1 graduate credit from Cambridge College available for $75. Additional work required for credit.

Registration for this workshop is now closed.

Earth’s Place in the Universe

A 2-Day Focus Workshop for Grades 3-8 Educators

Launch into an exploration of the Earth’s place in the universe, among the other billions of galaxies! Engage in using all fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) to explore how big a billion is, identify stars and constellations, explain the life cycle of stars, and create scale models of our solar system and parts of the universe. Experience a variety of hands-on investigations, including identifying your cosmic address, generating scaled models of the universe and solar system and examining the life cycle of high-mass stars. Investigate how these stars created the heavier earth elements and create a supernova paint model.

Through inquiry-based investigations and a series of out-of-this-world planetarium experiences, we will weave art, inquiry, phenomena, and the science and engineering practices of using models into the science concepts explored. You will leave the workshop with more tools to explore and teach a subject that young and curious earthlings are eager to learn.

Registration Information:

Collaborating Partner: EcoTarium Museum of Science and Nature
Dates: Friday, March 28th, 2025 and Saturday, March 29th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM)
Location: EcoTarium Museum of Science and Nature, Worcester, MA
Registration Cost: $300/educator
PDPs and Optional Graduate Credit: 14 PDPs available without graduate credit. 22.5 PDPs and 1 graduate credit from Cambridge College available for $75. Additional work required for credit.

Register Online

Rise to the Challenge Focus Workshop Series

Get ready to Rise to the Challenge in this Focus Workshop series based on the Wade Institute’s Massachusetts STEM Week Challenges!

In each workshop you’ll experience a variety of hands-on, inquiry-based STEM activities designed to support your students in using the Science and Engineering Practices. You’ll also explore how phenomena can spark curiosity, drive investigation, and make the learning relevant for students. The Challenges are designed for middle school students but are easily adaptable to upper elementary or high school settings. You have the option to take one or both workshops. At the conclusion of each workshop you’ll receive a curriculum packet and materials kit to implement the Challenge in your classroom. PDPs and optional Graduate Credits are offered for both workshops.

Hurricane Heroes

Challenge: A category 4 hurricane has hit fictional Storm City, Massachusetts. The city faces several problems that can only be solved by your engineering team. Investigations include evacuating citizens, building emergency shelters, moving floodwaters, and designing alternative energy sources. The Challenge culminates in a redesign of the city’s resources to prevent future disaster. Along the way, you’ll engage with the science and engineering practices, inquiry-based learning, and the integration of STEM disciplines to inspire students in your own classroom. Join us to explore how to guide students through real-world problem-solving while addressing critical topics in disaster preparedness, sustainability, and resilience!

Dates: April 11th and April 12th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET)
Location: Hitchcock Center for the Environment, Amherst, MA
Collaborating Partner: Hitchcock Center for the Environment

Animal Adaptions and Bioengineering

Challenge: Your team of engineers specializes in creating prosthetics for injured animals. You have been hired by a local organization that provides
this service and need to create a prototype for a specific injured animal. Investigations include understanding prosthetics, what they are used for, and why they are necessary; exploring animal adaptations and using new knowledge to create a new species; researching a specific terrestrial or marine animal and creating a fact sheet for it; and the final Challenge.
The final Design Challenge requires participants to design and build a prototype prosthetic for an animal. Additionally, engineering teams must adhere to budgetary constraints as they plan and “purchase” materials for their prototype. Teachers will work in groups, as their students would, using the Engineering Design Process to complete both parts of the Challenge and present their solution to the rest of the groups. During the workshop, you will participate in all elements of the Challenge and have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow educators and Challenge experts.
Dates: Wednesday, June 25th, 2025 and Thursday, June 26th, 2025 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET)
Location: Franklin Park Zoo, Boston, MA
Collaborating Partners: Buttonwood Park Zoo; Franklin Park Zoo; Lloyd Center for the Environment

Rise to the Challenge Focus Workshop Series Registration Info:

Registration Cost: $250 per workshop; $450 for both workshops
PDPs and Optional Graduate Credit for Each Workshop: 14 PDPs available without graduate credit.
22.5 PDPs and 1 graduate credit from Cambridge College available for $75. Additional work is required for credit.

Register Online

Visit our Past Focus Workshops page to learn more about past offerings!